Group Programs
Students work alongside accomplished peers on passion projects, mentored by industry experts. Our structured approach builds leadership skills and gives students a competitive edge in college applications.
Elite Passion Projects
7 seats remaining
The Wharton Blueprint: Launch Your First AI Startup
Taught By
Claire North
6 seats remaining
Astrophysics Research Lab: Launch Into Space Science
Taught By
Isabella Deutsch
4 seats remaining
The PhD Blueprint: Medical Research Intensive
Taught By
Mrudula Naidu
7 seats remaining
Zero to One AI Launch Lab: Your First AI Passion Project
Taught By
Aditya Balasubramanian
5 seats remaining
Zero to One AI Launch Lab: Your First AI Passion Project
Taught By
Pritwik Jeeva
enrollment full!
Biomedical Invention Lab: Design Your Medical Project
Taught By
Osezele Okoruwa
enrollment full!
Create a Unique Community Impact Passion Project
Taught By
Keerti Jeeva
More projects launching soon!